Starting today through 6/18, Indelible is available for FREE as an ebook through Amazon!

If you enjoy fantasy, supernatural, romance, adventure, and want to read a new and amazing epic tale, take advantage and grab your free copy right now. 

Indelible FREE on Kindle!

I would really appreciate if you could leave an honest review on Amazon and/Goodreads. Please share with friends and family who may be interested too.

Thank you! 

– J.E.DiPalo 

Indelible: About the Novel

Corbin had lost his way in a literally ‘dark place’ until he met Christine. She turned his life around for the better. Now, the dreams he’s had since they met are more than just the weird dreams ordinary people have. As their relationship grows, and other strange events occur, she tries to convince him to believe his dreams are clues about his past life, but he doesn’t want to believe because of their dark and terrifying nature.

When she is taken, Corbin learns how the dreams of fighting, falling, and flying are connected, and more about his past. He joins forces with allies in hidden realms to get Christine back from her abductor. His mission to find her leads him to extraordinary worlds where the realms of myth and legend meet the supernatural – and he has played a major part already. He has sworn to go through Hell and back to find her, and he may have to do just that.

The novel contains fantasy, epic adventure, paranormal, fallen angels, dry humor, a car chase… everything except sparkly vampires. Indelible leaves an everlasting impression; an Indelible mark on the soul. Although memories may fade, true love endures.

Check it out and pick up a copy! My website, has a download for a Free Sample of the first three chapters AND one of Corbin’s dreams.

Divided, Book 2 and the namesake of The Divided Series, is currently a work-in-progress and will be released in Fall 2017. I will make an announcement to all of my followers before the release date and offer a giveaway!

Divided; After the Battle (Work-In-Progress)

After the battle, Corbin and Gabriel stand alone.

“All is still. As if the world has stopped breathing,” I said.

“Peace that follows battle is a futile peace. It is time to count dead and to assess which side stands closer to the win,” Gabriel said, looking amongst the fallen. “There are no winners in a battle. Only those who remain unbroken.”

“Unbroken?” I said. “No one in a battle comes out unbroken. Uninjured, yes.”

Read more in Divided, my novel TBA, Fall of 2017.  Visit for updates!

Thank you,

J.E. DiPalo

Losing Furby: A Crazy Cat-Lady Story

Alas, Cancer has claimed another victim. I’m not going to go in-depth about how cancer took my baby and how it should be eradicated from space and time. We all know it should be by now. I am simply writing a memoir devoted to my sweet friend.


Furby, April 2004-March 6, 2017

How I will miss Furby, I cannot even begin to describe. It has been ten days since his soul left this earth, and my mind just cannot reconcile the loss. The fact that he will never meow across the house when I call for him, fall asleep on my arm when I sing to him, or force Paws to beg for food [by jumping onto my head and pawing at my hair until I wake up at 6am]… is too hard to believe. (I know for a fact it was Furby making Paws do that now because he hasn’t done since he passed.)

Until ten days ago, our family consisted of a 1:1 cat to person ratio. Lily is John’s, Paws is Cole’s, and Furby was mine.

Yeah, boo-hoo for me – I know, but we’ve had him and Lily since they were abandoned at about 5 weeks old – barely weaned from their mother.

Synopsis of ‘Why We Were Meant To Be’

John, my then-fiancé/now-husband, and I were talking a month before we got married about getting two kittens. We also had a POS 1966 Ford Mustang (previously black/rust, pictured below) that we made a deal over: If we found our two kittens the next day, we


1966 Ford Mustang in Wineberry, A Retro-Mod Beauty with John at the wheel, using up the last of a full set of tires in a putrid cloud of on-road glory.

would paint the car red. If not, it would be blue (my choice). 

People overuse the word ‘literally’, and it drives me up a wall, but we were literally in his truck the next morning,  on our way to the SPCA to look for our kittens, when John got a call from his dad, asking if we wanted two kittens. Gary, a friend from his parents’ neighborhood, had gone out on a motorcycle ride to Hernando Beach that morning and found a Bud Lite box that had been left by the side of the road with three kittens in it. A man and his son stopped and said they would hold onto the box for him to come back with his truck, but they wanted one of the kittens.


Baby Furby and Lily

Gary and Jean had the little fluff-balls at their house when we arrived a half-hour later. Jean had named them Pansy and Lily. I was already playing with Jasmine and Lily… so I kept Lily for “my kitten.” John renamed his to Furball: Furby, for short.

Two things happened in the coming weeks that shocked us a little:

1. We took them to the vet and found out that Lily would be neutered, not spayed, as we originally thought.

2. After their surgeries, Furby came to me when his bandage came loose and his incision began to bleed.

Thus, Lily became Mr. Lily (the vet’s office loves when he comes in to visit because he’s such a sweet, feminine little guy;-) ) and Furby became my cat.

Somehow our kittens found us.

The day after Furby passed, John asked if I wanted to repaint the Mustang “a beautiful shade of blue”… but I got my deal.

If we had not gotten Paws (another random miracle), I fear Lily would be leaving us very soon as well, heartbroken from the loss of his brother. Apparently, he is supposed to stick around with us for a while. And so you know, don’t feel too badly for me not having a kitty to cuddle… John gets claustrophobic when Lily tries to sleep next to him. Every night. So he comes to me and snuggles. Every night. (Also, spoons may be a more accurate term than snuggles.)

Karma has paid me a huge advance by giving me these Fur-babies

I have a lot more to contribute until I am paid-up and can’t hope for any greater fortune than the love of Furby’s sweet little soul to remain in my heart, and the blessing of Lily and Paws to stay with us for as long as we can hold them. Sadly, even Karma cannot defeat cancer.

For Furby, I so feared that we would have to make the choice of when to take him to the vet’s office to put him to sleep, but I watched as the choice was made for us last Monday morning when he had a stroke and his body gave out over the following two hours. Whatever it is that controls us – be it fate, God, or biology – somehow knew that I would be unable to make the decision for him, and was kind to all of us in that we were able to be together when Furby passed. I had a strange feeling just before his stroke that I needed to stay with him a little longer, then John brought Cole home from school. Otherwise I would have gone on with my day and we would have lost him without realizing. 

Although I will always miss Furby’s chubby “pom-poms” (his lighter-brown rear haunches) running off into another room, I will remember him until after the inevitable Alzheimer’s kicks in. His name will be the last one I’ll forget, and I know he is always in my heart. And now, a little part of his story is in your heart too.

Kitties Jan 2017 (8)

My boys: Lily (top left), Paws (top right), and Furby (not sure why this looks Photoshopped).

Please rescue an animal in need. If you have the heart, they’ll provide the love.

Thank you for reading Furby’s story.

